The overall idea of this activity should be easy to string together, regardless of its many possibilities. It has two phases; construction and creation.
String Art
Use round toothpicks to create a lattice on thick Styrofoam.
(Like a bed of nails for a squirrel-sized performer.)
When you have the toothpicks poked in and distributed evenly, wind a pattern around them with string or yarn of varying colors.
Styrofoam and toothpicks allow for easy construction, but are not sturdy enough for rubber bands. Instead, pound nails into a board to expand the creative potential of this design.
Rubber Band Arrangements
You will need a section of planed wood, at least an inch thick. Old wooden cutting boards work well.
It is crucial that all points are mapped out about an inch apart before driving nails. Draw a grid to plot points; pencil lines can easily be removed by sanding.
The process of pounding nails is satisfying and affirming, and most school age children can accomplish the task with supervision.
Use rubber bands to create colorful geometric arrangements. Switch gears and arrange the rubber bands into a maze!
Hmmm...linear algebra maybe?